Education startup
Edinja is a mission that is currently at a very early stage; built with the overarching goal of creating a better world.
Filter for finding college majors/ career fields that fit your preferences
Use this system to explore career options. Try using the filter multiple times using different selection criteria in order to get a clearer picture.
The links on the result screen will stake you to "STEP FORWARD" where you will be able to see the different areas under your chosen subject area. Here you will also be able to see the best online courses for each field.
Step Forward
Directory of online courses
Use this system to find the best online courses that will help you learn about the field of your choice.
Here you will find an easy to use compilation of the best content from various online resources including paid and free courses by various universities and even more familiar, free content from youtube.
Be sure to send us an email at with any thoughts, comments or recommendations ! Alternatively, simply participate in our survey which is accessible from the navigation menu (as of March, 2020).